We unify educational topics of
the European insurance industry.
Our motivation:
We bring together professionals from insurance education institutions in Europe committed on high quality standards and comparability.
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eficert is a self-initiative of the educational institutions of the insurance industry in Europe. Our goal is to work closer together in order to ensure european-wide transparency and standards in insurance education.
And how do we do that?
eficert events
eficert hosts and promotes various events for professionals who are engaged in education and training in the insurance and finance industry.
Our board members are also engaged in organizing the annual eficert conference - the European Conference of the National Institutes for Professional Insurance Education.
eficert conference 2025 will be held in Bucarest - hosted by eficert member ISF Romanian Instiute for Financial Studies. SAVE THE DATE: 12 - 13 November 2025.
Would you like to join us? Please send us an email for admission.
Past events

click for pdf-download of the programme

Dr. Katharina Höhn