SQF 5:
European Certified Insurance Claims Officer

Overall job content

The overall role of The European Certified Insurance Claims Officer SQF 5 is to receive, investigate, evaluate and register claims infor-mation and documentation to assess the validity of a claim and to decide whether to accept and approve, in full or in part, or decline a claim in accordance with


  • The terms and conditions of the policy
  • The guidelines and practices of the company
  • The codes of good practice of the industry
  • The laws and regulations of the country


The profile covers any class of insurance, including reinsurance business and it is intended for a Level 5 Claims Officer dealing with all classes of business within the European insurance market and who may be representing both a local or foreign firm.
The certificate holder does not have to have training within all insurance classes, but can be certified based on any class.Exams applying for accreditation of European Certified Insurance Claims Officer must meet the following criterias within knowledge, skills and competences.